
Saturday, August 19, 2006

The date's set!

Hi everybody! Here's another update about what I've been working on.....

The date for my garage sale is set! It will take place Saturday, September 16th. I'm very excited that I've received some donated items to sell and I have the promise of more coming soon. I'm also selling some of my own toys and games, like electronic games and CDs and such. Now the hard work starts... having to price everything :) I'm really happy that I have some bigger items to sell... like a microwave, some small televisions and even a child's bike. These things will be really helpful towards raising larger amounts!

At the garage sale, I'm going to have either business cards, flyers or both. They will explain "DorisDollars" and give the URL to my website. I hope people might use them to keep track of my progress or to help spread the word to others that I haven't met yet. My mom and my aunt are going to help me with the design and color printing!

Also, we wrote back to the Canadian Cancer Society about the link that I described in my other post. We hadn't received an answer yet so I thought it would be a good idea to check with them again. I am sure that it takes time to decide about something like that and to write back to everybody that might be sending them emails. I have to be patient and I'm sure I'll have an answer soon. I'll let you know!! :D

Thank you again for your nice comments and all your support! They sure mean a lot to me.



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